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The Coronavirus Epidemic and Trinity

Update: The Coronavirus Epidemic and Trinity

As the situation regarding the coronavirus develops, we at Trinity continue to take steps to protect one another and ourselves.

Christ calls us to love one another.  Every day we learn more about the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.  I believe our call to love includes taking preventive measures to help prevent the spread of this serious illness to our neighbors and ourselves.  These are acts of Christian love and service.

We will no longer offer the common cup at the altar rail for nowIf you wish, you may take from a chalice of wine or grape juice from a Minister of Communion at one of the side aisles.

For now, we will not permit intinction of the wafer into the cup at Communion.  Because there is no way to prevent some contact of fingers with the wine in the cup by some who receive, this practice is believed to spread infection more than drinking from the cup.  If your practice has been to intinct, and you do not choose to drink from the common cup, please cross your hands across your chest when the chalice bearer reaches you at the altar rail.  It has long been the Church’s belief that receiving Communion in one kind, either the bread or the wine, is full participation in the Eucharist.

At the Peace, please do not shake hands or embrace one another in our usual hearty way.  I suggest making a different gesture of love and respect for your Trinity neighbor.  Possibilities include making the peace sign, bumping elbows, bowing slightly, holding your hands behind your back.  Make the alternative, less infectious gesture fun!  When greeting you for the time being, I will not be shaking hands for the same reason.

During our fellowship time after church, we will continue to offer coffee, tea, etc.  We will not have fruit or snacks until future notice.

We will provide hand sanitizers at the church.  The CDC recommends their frequent use.  The CDC also advises us to wash our hands as often as possible with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.  If you are wondering, that is about the length of the Happy Birthday song sung twice.  This may be the most helpful practice of all in preventing infection.

If you are ill, we will miss you, but please take care of yourself and others by staying home.  Let us know if you want to be on the prayer list.  Tell us if you want us to follow up with you.

In this year’s season of Lent, God calls us to greater awareness of how our actions can change the lives of others for good or ill.  We do these things to live out the Great Commandment: To love our neighbors as ourselves.

In Christ’s name, 


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