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Youth Formation Programs

Christian Formation for the youth of the parish is led by our Church School Coordinators Cement Mogor and Kate Rousseau, assisted by many volunteers.  Nursery care for children under 3 is available during the 10 am service and through the formation programs that follow. 

Children’s Formation

Godly Play (during the first portion of the 10 am service) and Arts and Crafts (age 3 - 2nd Grade) Trained Godly Play story-tellers engage young children with biblical stories. 
Church School (3rd-4th Grade, 5th-6th Grade)  Utilizing Feasting on the Word curriculum, children will explore the scripture readings from each week.

Teen Formation

Rite-13 (7th-8th Grade)
J2A (9th-10th Grade)
Confirm Not Conform (11th-12th Grade) our older teens prepare for confirmation
Registration for Church School and Godly Play
Parents who would like their children and youth to participate in Christian Formation Programs must have a completed registration form (click to download) for each child. 

Download Church School Registration Form

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Put your faith in action

It is God who calls us together into a community of faith. It is not a random happenstance: God calls us to our location on Asylum Hill as the spiritual base from which we live out our call to minister in Jesus' name.

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