Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church, Hartford!

Know that whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you will be welcomed at Trinity Episcopal Church. We are a community of Christians in the Episcopal Tradition who are passionate about serving God’s mission of restoration and reconciliation to a world so in need of God’s healing touch.
Founded in 1859, Trinity was the first “free” church in Hartford, meaning that the church did not charge “pew fees” to enter Sunday worship but welcomed everyone regardless of their station in life acknowledging that each of us has an equal need for God’s grace and mercy. Since that time, the people of Trinity have been responding to God’s call. Our response is rooted in the written word of Sacred Scripture, but recognizing that The Word is not a written paragraph but a person, our lives are lived out focused on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ at the center.
Community life at Trinity centers around 5 core values:
- God calls us into community. It is God who calls us together into a community of faith. It is not a random happenstance: God calls us to our location on Asylum Hill as the spiritual base from which we live out our call to minister in Jesus’ name.
- We love as Christ loves. We take the two Great Commandments of Jesus seriously and as the heart of the Gospel: “You shall love the Lord your God with all our heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind… You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- We welcome each person as a unique child of God. We embrace the promise of our baptismal covenant to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. We strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being. In our rich diversity, we see not separation, but Jesus’ deepest desire that he expresses in his prayer to God, “that they all may be one.”
- We understand life as a journey. We are continually being formed in God’s image, no matter our age or station in life. We understand and are committed to the importance of education and spiritual formation for all ages so that we may faithfully respond to what God is doing in and around us, and so that we may become the people God desires for us to become.
- We offer our best in service, worship, preaching, music and the arts. Comforted in the knowledge that God accepts and welcomes us as we are, we strive to offer our very best to the One above whom there is no greater.
Jesus invited the disciples to “Come and see.” We look forward to welcoming you!