Logo for: Trinity Episcopal Church

Recovery Programs


For the past 40 years, Trinity has opened its doors and provided a home to several Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotic Anonymous groups.

These are extremely important ministries that give people who struggle with addiction a place to meet and discuss their issues.  They are based on the 12 step program which provides a place for participants to examine their lives, receive the healing power that comes from God and live a new way of life.

We are currently home to a Narcotics Anonymous group. NA was originally a court mandated treatment program for people re-entering society after incarceration. The group holds weekly meetings at Trinity Church throughout the year.


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Put your faith in action

It is God who calls us together into a community of faith. It is not a random happenstance: God calls us to our location on Asylum Hill as the spiritual base from which we live out our call to minister in Jesus' name.

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