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When to Get In Touch With Parish Clergy

The clergy of Trinity Church consider it a privilege to be involved in the events of parishioners' lives—whether joyful or sorrowful—and to minister in any way to them. However, the clergy do not always know when they are needed or wanted, so it is important to call the parish office if you have any concerns. We offer the following suggestions for when to get in touch with the clergy These are meant only as examples, and certainly not as limitations:

As a way to get to know your clergy. The clergy appreciate the opportunity to get to know parishioners in their homes or workplaces, Invitations are welcome! Of course, parishioners are always welcome to meet with clergy in the parish offices as well. To assure that the clergy will be able to attend to your concerns with proper care, appointments are always suggested and appreciated.

When you have spiritual or moral questions, or questions about the Church and its teachings, or when you are faced with a difficult decision, the clergy stand as a source of guidance, acceptance and prayerful support.

If you wish to participate in the Rite of Reconciliation. The Book of Common Prayer provides an opportunity if you are troubled in conscience to confess your sins privately to "a discreet and understanding priest" in order that you "may receive the benefit of absolution, and spiritual counsel and advice ...the assurance of pardon, and the strengthening of your faith." If you seek sacramental forgiveness, you are urged to meet with the clergy. The seal of the confessional ensures confidentiality.

At the birth or adoption of a child. We want to rejoice with parents for the gift of creation of new life. Plans for the child's baptism can be discussed and, if desired, arrangements made for the rite of Thanksgiving for a Child.

When you are prevented from worshipping at church or suffering with chronic illness. Please call the office an a member of the clergy or a pastoral visitor will arrange a pastoral visit at your home.

When you are going to the hospital. When notified, the clergy visit areas hospitals to offer prayers and to bring Holy Communion. If you are admitted to a hospital, please register as an Episcopalian and a member of Trinity Church in Hartford and ask a friend or parish members to contact the church as soon as possible. Be aware that present federal law prohibits hospitals and other health providers from releasing personal information unless you have authorized them to do so.

In case of pastoral emergency. In the case of any emergency situation where you desire the pastoral services of a priest, please call the main number at 860-527-8133 and notify the parish secretary or receptionist immediately. If the emergency takes occurs outside of normal office hours, select the "pastoral emergency" option on the voice mail and a member of the clergy staff will be notified as soon as possible.

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It is God who calls us together into a community of faith. It is not a random happenstance: God calls us to our location on Asylum Hill as the spiritual base from which we live out our call to minister in Jesus' name.

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