What to Expect in Worship
We hope you’ll consider visiting us! Here are the answers to some questions you might have about our worship.
What Kind of People Attend Trinity Church?
The people of Trinity Church represent a wonderful mix of races, cultures and ethnic backgrounds. We draw members from a wide geographic circle that starts with Hartford and its immediate suburbs and extends to some 15 towns. We have young and old, singles and families, gay and straight, rich and poor, churchy and not so churchy.
How Do People Dress for Services?
Many people like to dress up, while others prefer to dress informally. There is a lot of variety and this is purely a matter of personal preference.
How Will I Know What To Do During the Service?
When you arrive at Trinity you will be greeted at the door. As you enter the Church we will offer you a service leaflet which will list everything that will happen in the service, in order. Most of the service, including the prayers and responses to be spoken by the congregation, are in the program. Hymnals are available at each seat so you can sing along with the hymns. We typically stand, if we are able, for prayer and singing hymns and sit at other times. Some people prefer to kneel during times of prayer. You should feel comfortable following your personal practice.
What is the Red Pillow For?
Some of our parishioners have as part of their personal piety the practice of kneeling at certain times of the service -- others may remain standing during these times. The red cushions are actually kneelers, not seat cushions. (Most people find them uncomfortable to sit on, but you are welcome to try it!)
What About Children?
Children infant-3 years are offered care in the Tower Room during the 10:00 a.m. service. Children are welcomed to worship in the church and children over the age of 3 years are encouraged to participate in the Godly Play story during the Liturgy of the Word when church school is in session.
What About Communion?
At Communion time, the congregation is invited to come forward to stand or kneel at the communion rail in front of the altar and receive the consecrated bread and wine. Episcopalians believe that by the power of the Holy Spirit the bread and wine contain the real presence of the Body and Blood of Christ. The wine can be received directly from the cup or by dipping the bread. We also offer both consecrated grape juice and gluten free wafers.
You do not have to be an Episcopalian to receive Communion in an Episcopal church. If you prefer not to receive Communion, you are invited to come forward to receive a personal blessing from the priest.
Does It Matter If I Believe or What I Believe?
Your faith or lack of faith – your religious background or lack of religious background – all of this makes no difference in your welcome to Trinity Church. Each week we welcome those worshipping with us for the first time with the words, "Whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here and we're glad you're with us." And we mean it. Our members come from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Hearing Assistive Devices
Hearing assistive devices are available for those desiring them. Please speak to an usher.